Monday, September 6, 2010

Best College Memory

So the question was brought up over at The Frisky today of what readers' favorite college moments were. As an avid reader and commenter, I chimed in with this:
My freshman year, before I was actually technically a student (I was in a pre-freshman summer research program), was one of the best times of my entire life, not just college. I spent 4 weeks with a bunch of other kids my age, and because the program we were in was pretty exclusive it was pretty much just us, on one floor, for that entire time, and we totally went crazy.
My favorite memory was just a few days after we all got there. Our RA and some of her friends decided we should all go have a snowball fight, in the middle of July. Our ice rink would leave all the remains from cleaning outside, and because there was such a large pile it never melted, even in the ninety-something degrees it was then. We all got completely soaked and bruised from the half ice balls being thrown, but that was the day I really became friends with some of my best friends, and it remained one of those legendary things that we all talk about to this day.

And you know what?

That was one of the best days ever.
Do you remember how much fun that was?

Also, it's depressing how many of us are leaving/have left already. Someone major needs to get married or something so we can all have an excuse to get back together. :P

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