Monday, August 16, 2010

Fixing Things

So I got my wrist fixed today. Actually, I probably shouldn't be writing this because it doesn't feel awesome to move my fingers and takes a while longer to type than usual.

Anyway, went in this morning and was completely nervous until they brought me back, at which point everything calmed down a lot. Also, apparently hospitals have cushy chairs now instead of beds for outpatient surgeries.
So I put on my silly gown and housecoat and slipper socks (comfiest best thing ever) and sat there and met with like 4 people about what was going to be done and what kind of anesthesia they were going to use and then I finally got to go in and get on the table in the very chilly operating room.
Also, they had to run an IV, which I've never had before, and it feels so weird! I could feel the cold liquid running through my veins and I got so chilly!
So they put me out, and I woke up 45 minutes later on the table while they were dressing my wrist and started talking about pie. Yeah. No, I have no idea where that came from. For some reason, my next conscious memory after conking out was talking about pie.

Then I went to recovery, and everything was a lot more painful than they expected, so not only did I get the Vicodin I was supposed to, but also morphine because it hurt so much.

And now I'm all fuzzed out on Vicodin and my wrist hurts and I'm gonna go to sleep or watch a movie or something that doesn't involve moving.

Oh, and I got a chocolate chip muffin in recovery! Muffin and chocolate, together? Awesome.

Also, there were about 11 typos in this that I fixed because I can't type well right now and my brain isn't really working well either.

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