Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Books are cool

"If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em!"
— John Waters

You, sir, are a genius.

On a related note, I have been reading both Eat, Pray, Love and the Scott Pilgrim books.
Scott Pilgrim is awesome, 'nuff said.

Eat, Pray, Love is surprisingly fantastic. I was expecting to read it and be totally over the hype and not like it, but I keep finding myself drawn in to it. The introspection is amazing and makes me feel a little less crazy and a little more normal.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Just a quick note

I have lots to update on and a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head, including a boy who wants to move up here and wants me to come visit him in Philadelphia and has gorgeous/strange blue/green eyes almost exactly like mine, but I am dead tired from a long week of work.

But thank you, especially Molly, to everyone who cheered me up this week. Everything got a lot better and I have a direction to pursue for pastry training and more than one interesting boy around and a lot more smiles than last week.

I love you all so many.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Horrible, Stupid, Silly, Dumb, Terrible... Crushes

As you may have guessed from the title of this entry, I am, at present, disenchanted with the romantic world. It's kind of a long story. Bear with me, because the punchline is fantastic in a terrible way that will make all of you laugh.

So Maine is boring. I believe we have covered this already. If not, here's the Uncyclopedia article on just how boring it is. There are also few boys in Maine during the non school months, and a lot of disgustingly happy couples.

I kind of had a boy. That fell through. Being 11 hours away sucks.

I then realized I still had ridiculous and entirely unjustified feelings for a certain boy who enjoys winter sports. Ridiculous because we already tried it, twice, and it didn't work either time. Unjustified because I was the one who destroyed it in the first place.

Now, I'm trying to get over those. My heart is slowly healing, coping with not only being 11 hours away from what's-his-face but also from all of my friends. This next bit does not help.

So, this weekend, one of my local friends brought some people home from his school to visit. Up until this year, my friendship with this friend was tentative. He's the ex of my former best friend, and we majorly clashed in high school. Now that we're beyond both of those points though, we are actually great friends and I am really grateful to have him in my life.

No. I know what you're thinking. I do not have a crush on him. Read on, dear friends.

So, his friends from school are mostly from other countries. Australia, Ireland, UK, Austria... the list is nearly endless. And they're all awesome. My friend suggested that I should get together with the Aussie, Sam. Well, eh. Sam's kind of a jock, and not really my type, but it was an interesting suggestion.

Then, I met Irish Boy. He's Irish. And FANTASTIC. And completely my type, and funny, and down to earth, and has a great grasp on international issues. He loves good food (except black pudding, yuck) and wants me to come visit all the time this fall because, and I quote, I'm his "new bestie".
Oh, and the accent.

His name is Mark. Actually, it's more than that, but that's what he goes by.

And I now have a ridiculous, horrible , painful crush.

Why am I using these words to describe it to you all? Why did I say the punch line was going to be great? Why am I even daring to write about it on this blog, out in public, where he might find it at any time?

Because Mark is gay.

I have no problem with this whatsoever, except that it means when I come to visit and stay with him, I will be staying in the spare room, and there will never be sweet nothings whispered into my ear in a glorious and lovely accent.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Best College Memory

So the question was brought up over at The Frisky today of what readers' favorite college moments were. As an avid reader and commenter, I chimed in with this:
My freshman year, before I was actually technically a student (I was in a pre-freshman summer research program), was one of the best times of my entire life, not just college. I spent 4 weeks with a bunch of other kids my age, and because the program we were in was pretty exclusive it was pretty much just us, on one floor, for that entire time, and we totally went crazy.
My favorite memory was just a few days after we all got there. Our RA and some of her friends decided we should all go have a snowball fight, in the middle of July. Our ice rink would leave all the remains from cleaning outside, and because there was such a large pile it never melted, even in the ninety-something degrees it was then. We all got completely soaked and bruised from the half ice balls being thrown, but that was the day I really became friends with some of my best friends, and it remained one of those legendary things that we all talk about to this day.

And you know what?

That was one of the best days ever.
Do you remember how much fun that was?

Also, it's depressing how many of us are leaving/have left already. Someone major needs to get married or something so we can all have an excuse to get back together. :P

Friday, September 3, 2010

Heh, hi.

So I really do mean to update this more, but the last few weeks have been super stressful. Right after my surgery, I came down with strep from the hospital, so I had to postpone my trip to Rah-cha-cha until I could get out of bed. So then last weekend I did a bomb run to clean everything up and get all my stuff out, and on the way back our tire blew up.
Yeah, blew up.
About 4:30 in the morning, rural Mass, and boom. Most petrifying experience of my life.
Anyway, I really do need to update this more even if it's just a few words every now and then, especially since it's how I'm going to keep in touch with people and Catherine reads it. (Hi Catherine!) That is obviously the most important part, since we all know Catherine is my hero.

So, in honor of Love Yourself wee over at The Frisky (which was actually a few weeks ago but I am just getting around to now), I am going to take a page from their book. All of their editors wrote a list of 30 things they love about themselves or 30 things they do well, and I figured I might as well do the same.

So, here, for your perusal, 30 things I do well:

1. I make wicked Whoopie Pies, deah.

2. I'm really good at doing nothing on the internet for a long time.

3. I tend to start a lot of sentences with the word "so", and I also tend to accidentally capitalize it, which gives it a strange emphasis actually concurrent with my grammatical use of it.

4. Chipping nail polish off my toes and not caring.

5. Getting 3 lines of a song stuck in my head all day.

6. Saying random things which are entirely accurate to make people laugh, such as "Well, the stache suits him because it shows his personality: 70's porn star/bad cop. Yep, that's [Mr. Perfect]." Yes, this was said. Recently.

7. Setting slightly unreasonable goals for myself, like a list of 30 things.

8. Setting good goals for myself which allow me to grow as a person and learn new things and go new places.

9. Knowing when other people are crazy.

10. Being diplomatic when other people are crazy.

11. Not offending people, generally. Just being respectful around people when I need to be, really.

12. Coming up with interesting flavor combinations. Today was rose, litchi, and raspberry; yesterday was apple, celery, red onion, black truffle oil, honey, rice wine vinegar and curry powder.

13. Typos.

14. Being a klutz. (Secret: while some might expect me to dislike this one, I actually like it. Being graceful all the time would be boring, although it would mean a great deal fewer bruises and scars.)

15. Exposing my thoughts to the internet.

16. Getting worked up about political issues, because even though I don't want it to be my career, I really do love politics.

17. Being intolerant of stupidity.

18. Staying up far far too late when I need to wake up in the morning.

19. Putting my foot in my mouth.

20. Smiling. (This was my mother's contribution)

21. Making my mother laugh with the silly things I do. (Like this list)

22. Having a terribly messy but not dirty room.

23. Being nice to people, by which I also mean playing nice with people I don't always like.

24. Remembering things I've read, all the way back to my first and favorite book.

25. Knowing random information that is not necessarily relevant to my career.

26. Being enthusiastic.

27. Keeping track of makeup and fashion trends, and interpreting them in a way that I like without being a super trendster.

28. Finding romances in unexpected places.

29. Not being committed to those romances, at least in the past.

30. Finding bombshell dresses.

Ok, there you have it. 30 things, good and bad, which I do well.

Now, it's your turn.